What makes Ayurveda special? Why choose it over other medicinal forms?
Here are the broad 5 among hundreds that can be discussed
1. Time Tested
Ayurveda is more than 5000 years old. The concepts have withstood test of time and still stands true to its essence. The underlying principles, even those to address modern day common disorders such as diabetes, hasn't changed. It's still relevant as it was thousands of years ago. You can trust, and ayurveda wouldn't need to say sorry for getting it totally wrong.2. The Holistic Approach
Ayurveda believes in an holistic approach. It first analyses the mind, body and soul of the individual. Only after understanding the state in full, a proper diet plan along with natural medicines are prescribed. It considers the lifestyle and personality of the individual and suggests suitable approach towards balancing the body, and thereby addressing the ailment.
3. Addresses the Cause and Not Symptom
Unlike most of the other sciences that tends to treat symptoms, ayurveda addresses the root cause and considers a particular ailment to be an outcome of an untamed body. When other medicinal forms treat a disease, ayurveda tends to see that particular ailment as an outcome of imbalance of doshas - vata, pitta and kapha.
4. Prevention over Cure
Ayurveda not just preaches, "Prevention over cure". It practices this in its true essence. This is why ayurveda tends to address the root cause over the specific illness. Ayurveda believes and tends to create a defensive mechanism such that the ailment doesn't occur in the future.5. No Side Effects
Ayurvedic formulations are carefully crafted using natural ingredients, thereby its free from the negative aspects that accompanies modern day medicines. Ayurveda is nothing but nature at work. This is evident in the compositions of various ayurvedic formulations, even for those ailments or disorders such as diabetes and cholesterol.
Live an ayurvedic life.
- December 22, 2016
- Nattura Biocare Private Limited